Sunday, February 20, 2011


They took me out! Yes, outside for a walk without a blanket covering my carseat! It was awesome! I got to stare at all kinds of new things like clouds, trees and birds. The fresh air knocked me out shortly after that.

I can't wait for more hats falling in my eyes. I can't stand when they do that! I'm 8 weeks old this week. I got to the doctor for my two month check up next week. I hear that shots are on the way....OUCH!!!! I'll let you know the outcome.

~Preslie P.~

Lucky 7

I took a bottle this past week and did awesome! Dad fed me while mom went to a baby shower. I still spit up but that's normal. I think Mom was pleased to hear I took a bottle since she goes to work next week. I will miss her but I hear Grandma Dede and Grandpa Chuck are fun so we'll see!

Thank you to cousin Kelly for the super cute flower!!!!

I've caught a little cold from Brody. I don't let it get me down though. Gotta keep smiling. Oh and I got weighed....just a mere 12 lbs!!!


Monday, February 7, 2011

All fun and games

I've been around for 6 weeks now and have really got the swing of things. I sleep quite well, even on my own. Check out the pic on the bottom. Here I am catching a nap after I was just sitting there awake. This amazes my parents because my brother never just fell asleep:)

People dig the smiles I give away! It's fun to make others happy!

I discovered I have a dog, at least that's what they call him. He's big and loud but I think I like him. He feels nice and soft!

Nighty, night.


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