Saturday, November 26, 2011

Playing catch-up

Happy Fourth of July! I had a busy holiday! I got to see some sparkly things and go to the zoo for the first time with Grandma and Poppy and my family. I loved to watch the penguins. It was super hot but we didn't melt. Oh...I sit up and play on my own now. So much freedom!

After a long day I simply passed out sitting straight up on the couch. Boy this holiday thing is exhausting! My parents are still shocked to see one of their children fall asleep on their own without having to be bounced or rocked. I LOVE to shock them once and a while.

Daddy and I hanging out at the beach in Grand Haven. We made the trip to see a new friend of mine, Max Bisonet. He was so little but so cute! I loved the water and watching all the people. tan is coming along nicely. You should see the white creases in my wrists!

The Hot Air Jubilee was not one of my most favorite events so far in my short life. It was SUPER HOT, we walked forever to see a couple balloons and my brother had a melt down that ended in a bloody lip. It was something to laugh about now but at the time was a terrible event, except that we got to go there with our friends, the Spears.

Brother and I built a fort with the help from mom and dad. It was cool! We watched Chicken Little and ate popcorn...or watched the eating of popcorn.

Still getting up at night every three hours most of the time. Can't blame a girl for needing midnight snacks, can you?

Mommy's flowers...aren't they beautiful. She was trying to get me to show off my teeth. I have sprouted four teeth now, two top and two bottom.

I got dedicated at church in August. It was neat! My grandparents came to watch and I didn't even get nervous when Pastor Jason held me. We followed church with a lunch at my house. I napped but everyone else enjoyed some subs from Lenny's and cupcakes.

My first flying adventure took me to Scottsdale, Arizona to see my cousins. I had a blast playing with the girls and teaching Baby "Ohhhh" how to do some tricks. We got to swim a lot and play princesses. I wish we could hang out more but it's all the more exciting when we do.

Cousin Owen and I are 5 months apart and nearly the same size!

My first sink bath and I really enjoyed it. I wanted to control the nozzle and splash everywhere so it was an abbreviated bath, but still fun!

Here I am picking out some pumpkins at Flavor Fruit Farm. What an awesome place for some yummy doughnuts!!!! Yummmy! Still not eating a whole lot of food at 9 months old. Baby food is absolutely disgusting. I prefer to eat real food like a real adult does. Mainly still a milk girl and have recently taken to water. I mastered the sippy cup already.

Fall photoshoot in the frontyard. I am still not rolling over except in my sleep sometimes. I am a scooter on my bottom. Many try to impersonate my moves but can't. I'm quick and into everything. I especially love the dog dishes, dog food, and the DVD player.

Here I am in my ladybug costume for Halloween. It was too bad I was sick with my first ear infection. really did me in. I had a fever for days and screamed my head off for hours at night. I had to take some decent tasting pink stuff that helped my ears but hurt my belly. Glad that came to end quickly!

Christmas is coming!!!! I love the holidays because I get to see more family and do some fun things. Not to mention the great food that comes along with special events! Stay tuned for some more updates...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

April Showers bring May Flowers and Parties Too

We celebrated Brody's 3rd birthday in May. It was so fun to have all the kids to watch and play with. Here's my buddy Crew. We are destined to be buddies since our moms are. My four month check up had me weighing in at 17.3 lbs. and 26.5 inches long. This automatically earned me the names "Big Mama" and "Moo Moo".

I love the warm weather. Here I am hanging out on the deck. I love to swim and go for walks. I've been known to fall asleep during a nice stroll.

My first professional photo shoot was done at my Aunt Neen's house. I got to pose with my family and my cousins Ella, Olivia and Owen too. It was fun!

Still no rolling over. I think it's overrated. Why roll when you have a big brother to hand you all the toys:). Sleeping pretty good these days. I get up for a snack once a night most of the time and I enjoy sleeping in until 8am. I love to squeal and laugh. I figured out how loud I can be and how it gets people's attention. Hmm...

Miss P

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Finding a voice

My fourth month marked more outside experiences, a trip to two hotels and the chance to meet two boys my age. My parents tell me these boys could be part of an arranged relationship someday in my future....hmmmm....not sure I like to be told what to do.

Here I am catching some indoor rays. You have to make the best of Michigan weather...I'm really trying. I got to wear this suit three times before it was a bit snug. Mom says it's a 12 month suit...uh oh. I'm full-figured and proud of it! I am weighing in at 17 lbs now! Can't help myself when it comes to eating- yum yum!

This is Tripp Spears...he's a bit older than me. It was obvious by the way he kept trying to hold my hand. Older and more experienced! We had fun meeting each other! I think it will be fun to play once we can move.

Mom, Dad, Brody and I went to an indoor waterpark. It looked like so much fun for those who can walk. I loved to watch all the was exhausting! I slept pretty well on our little overnight stay.

I have found a voice this month. I love to talk, squeal and laugh! It is so fun to bring smiles to others and I can do that by simply babbling and laughing. I continue to sleep longer at night and have fallen into a slight daytime routine. I did go on feeding strike a couple times this month. One day I was not taking a bottle and the next day I only would take a bottle. I'm a girl who knows what I want. Hope I don't cause my parents too much trouble:)


Monday, March 21, 2011

Uno, Dos, Tres!

Three months old! Time is sure flying by especially since it's gotten nice outside. I have really enjoyed going out and exploring nature. I really like it when it's warm enough to not have to wear my hat. I can't stand wearing a hat!!!

This month I discovered my hands, boy are they tasty! I am also gaining more strength to sit up but have not felt the need to roll yet. I really spend most of my time eating and sleeping. Still like to eat at least every three hours...not a fan of skipping a feeding most of the time. This could be the reason I am weighing in at 16 lbs!!! That means I've gained an average of 3/4 of lb. per weeks since birth.

I also sleep quite well too! I know this is a big deal to my mom and dad. On most nights, I like to be in bed by 9pm, wake up at 1am or 2am and then go back down until 6am. I don't tolerate gas bubbles well so if I don't get burped, watch out!

I got to go swimming at the Y this past weekend. I loved it! The water was super warm and it was fun to watch the other kids jump and splash. I got splashed in the face a few times but it didn't bother me.

Sorry for the delay with my posts. I just can't seem to find the time to blog regularly:)

~Miss P.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


They took me out! Yes, outside for a walk without a blanket covering my carseat! It was awesome! I got to stare at all kinds of new things like clouds, trees and birds. The fresh air knocked me out shortly after that.

I can't wait for more hats falling in my eyes. I can't stand when they do that! I'm 8 weeks old this week. I got to the doctor for my two month check up next week. I hear that shots are on the way....OUCH!!!! I'll let you know the outcome.

~Preslie P.~

Lucky 7

I took a bottle this past week and did awesome! Dad fed me while mom went to a baby shower. I still spit up but that's normal. I think Mom was pleased to hear I took a bottle since she goes to work next week. I will miss her but I hear Grandma Dede and Grandpa Chuck are fun so we'll see!

Thank you to cousin Kelly for the super cute flower!!!!

I've caught a little cold from Brody. I don't let it get me down though. Gotta keep smiling. Oh and I got weighed....just a mere 12 lbs!!!


Monday, February 7, 2011

All fun and games

I've been around for 6 weeks now and have really got the swing of things. I sleep quite well, even on my own. Check out the pic on the bottom. Here I am catching a nap after I was just sitting there awake. This amazes my parents because my brother never just fell asleep:)

People dig the smiles I give away! It's fun to make others happy!

I discovered I have a dog, at least that's what they call him. He's big and loud but I think I like him. He feels nice and soft!

Nighty, night.


1 Month Down

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Three's a Charm

Week three marks more awake time and even some smiles for my big brother. He is so funny. I can't wait to play trains with him.

After a couple rough nights my mom discovered I may be lactose intolerant. Once she omitted dairy from her diet I slept like a log- day and night. YAY!

Thanks Cousin Courtney for my stylin' headband! It looks great with my tutu!

love you all, PZP