Monday, March 21, 2011

Uno, Dos, Tres!

Three months old! Time is sure flying by especially since it's gotten nice outside. I have really enjoyed going out and exploring nature. I really like it when it's warm enough to not have to wear my hat. I can't stand wearing a hat!!!

This month I discovered my hands, boy are they tasty! I am also gaining more strength to sit up but have not felt the need to roll yet. I really spend most of my time eating and sleeping. Still like to eat at least every three hours...not a fan of skipping a feeding most of the time. This could be the reason I am weighing in at 16 lbs!!! That means I've gained an average of 3/4 of lb. per weeks since birth.

I also sleep quite well too! I know this is a big deal to my mom and dad. On most nights, I like to be in bed by 9pm, wake up at 1am or 2am and then go back down until 6am. I don't tolerate gas bubbles well so if I don't get burped, watch out!

I got to go swimming at the Y this past weekend. I loved it! The water was super warm and it was fun to watch the other kids jump and splash. I got splashed in the face a few times but it didn't bother me.

Sorry for the delay with my posts. I just can't seem to find the time to blog regularly:)

~Miss P.